Thursday, December 21, 2006

Bulletin dari fs

Was 2006 a good year for you?
* not really, gw memutuskan untuk pindah ke perusahaan baru dan menyesali nya for a while

2) What was your favorite moment of
the year?
* perpisahan dengan temen-temen di perusahaan lama *it was the saddest moment*

3) What was your least favorite moment
of the year?
* menjadi karyawan baru di perusahaan baru

4) Where were you when 2006 began?
* pesta di messhall sampai jam 1 trus tidur, eh jam 06.30 pagi ada gas well bocor bikin pusing.

5) Who were you with?
* BGP HSE Team

6) Where will you be when 2006 ends?
* dirumah

7) Who will you be with when 2006 ends?
* me

8) Did you keep your new years
resolution of 2006?
* almost (gak juga ding, ada kok yang gw tepati !)

9) Do you have a new years resolution
for 2007?
* akan

10) Did you breakup with anyone in
* no

11) Did you make any new friends in
* yes. Welcome to BP!

12) Who are your favorite new friends?

18) What was your favorite month of
* semua yang ada hujannya.

19) Did you travel outside the country
in 2006? Where?
* nggak

20) How many different country did you
travel to in 2006?
* 0

21) Did you lose anybody close to you
in 2006?
* yes, kayaknya ada temen gw yang gak mau negor gw waktu resign

22) Did you miss anybody in the past
* no

23) What was your favorite movie that
you saw in 2006?
* devil wears prada

24) What was your favorite songs from
* nidji

25) What was your favorite memory from

26) How many concerts did you see in
* 0

27) Did you have a favorite concert in
* none :(:(

28) Did you drink a lot of alchohol in
* no but tried my first wine

29) Did you do a lot of drugs in 2006?
* no

30) Did you do anything you are
ashamed of this year?
* banyak

31) What was the worst lie someone
told you in 2006?
* -shut my mouth-

32) Did you treat somebody badly in
* I guess so

33) Did somebody treat you badly in
* try to forget it

34) How much money did you spend in
* banyak

35) What was your proudest moment of
* When someone said that most expat proud of  me and hear it directly too.

36) What was your most embarrassing
moment of 2006?
* try to forget it

37) If you could go back in time to
any moment of 2006 and change it what
would it be?
* tetep di PCI

38) What are your plans for 2007?
* wedding and new position in same company


Monday, December 11, 2006

Pagi !

Memulai minggu ini dengan positif spirit :-)),
Dan ada si ortis (artis di Transtv waktu puasa itu loh) lewat depat kubikal.

Minggu ini harusnya : menyelesaikan bahan untuk package distribution, update level 2, dan review format report dan activity list.

Mo ikutan HRA untuk West Java dong !

Monday, December 04, 2006

Hari Aids sedunia

Judulnya mungkin gak akan nyambung dengan isi ini.
Cuma mau bilang no comment ma kerjaan gw…
Seru dengan berita Aa Gym menikah lagi..YZ dsb..


Monday, November 13, 2006


Ternyata upload gambar ke blog via email kantor gak bisa ya ?
Lihat aja upload-an gw dibawah..rusak !


Friday, November 10, 2006

Ayo tebak

Well seharusnya sekarang sedikit jauh lebih mudah ya. Seperti sayur yang kurang garam, maka laptop (which actually gak gw taruh di my 'lap" sih) tanpa mouse bakal jadi bikin jari kelingking kita kram atau pegel-pegel. Saya kemudian memutuskan untuk membeli tikus di toko buku yang baru di Margocity.

Dua hari yang lalu dapet info kalo kantor yang lama itu sudah pindah ke gedung baru di daerah kuningan, kata orang yang sudah pernah ke sana kantornya canggih dan bagus, dan lebih keren dari kantor yang sekarang. Semua nya jauh lebih canggih. Boleh aja sih …kata temen di perusahaan minyak dari amerika , bahkan camp kami dulu di betara jauh lebh bagus (baca:memadai) dibanding tempat dia sekarang.  

Well setiap tempat punya kekurangan dan kelebihan. Yang penting sih menurut gw selain kepuasan dari apa yang diberikan perusahaan, hubungan interpersonal dan suasana kerja yang baik akan mempengaruhi daya tahan kita di perusahaan itu.

Jadi kira-kira apa yang gak gw dapet di :
1. perusahaan sepatu
2. perusahan obat
3. perusahaan engineering
4. perusahan minyak dan gas a
5. perusahaan minyak dan gas b

Ayo tebak !


Monday, November 06, 2006

Can we start this ?

A very nice article about how to make our life healthier was sent to me last week. Thanks Ling ! ?

These are some highlights :

This approach, called calorie restriction, involves eating about 30 percent fewer calories than normal while still getting adequate amounts of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Aside from direct genetic manipulation, calorie restriction is the only strategy known to extend life consistently in a variety of animal species.

How this drastic diet affects the body has been the subject of intense research. Recently, the effort has begun to bear fruit, producing a steady stream of studies indicating that the rate of aging is plastic, not fixed, and that it can be manipulated.

In the last year, calorie-restricted diets have been shown in various animals to affect molecular pathways likely to be involved in the progression of Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, heart disease, Parkinson's disease and cancer. Earlier this year, researchers studying dietary effects on humans went so far as to claim that calorie restriction may be more effective than exercise at preventing age-related diseases.

Taken from :  International Herald Tribune
Ayo kita praktekan!

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Just want to write : I love you so much !

Hi Ling!
Love always,

Monday, October 30, 2006


Hari pertama kerja pakai -earheld music player-. Dulu pernah denger kalo dengerin musik sambil melakukan aktivitas lain bisa melatih otak untuk bisa mengerjakan dua hal sekaligus. Well mungkin ada benernya, tapi yang jelas mungkin aja loh ada kenaikan probabilitas gw kena Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL). Jadi serem make nya !


Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Another tes

It has been a while since my resignation from PCI and move to- what so called- my dream company.  I received new laptop, met new friends and old friends, doing things which I had done one and a half year a go : sit down behind a desk, going home on daily basis and found out that I still hate it so far !!, well no really hate deh but I found that what a boring life I have now. Compare to what I can do in BGP in my spare time: (preparing training material, ensuring Haz was being treat properly, ensure PPE availability and those thousand things which I thought I cant manage well) and yes I miss it !

Is it just because I recently joint this company so in this adaption phase I dissoriented my self or or or ?
Where am I going now ? To be more specific : IH or HSE ?
Bipi or another co?
Yes I get disorientation of what is my career objective.

Saturday, October 14, 2006


lagi lagi test

Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. Great rates starting at 1¢/min.

Sunday, September 17, 2006


oh ya ni poto-poto bule di PCI

Tadi habis makan siang bareng ma Pak Harry, Pak Johnny, pak Cut dan air mataku mengalir deras.

ternyata sedih juga ya, ini perusahaan ke empat tapi ini pertama kali nya gw merasakan kehilangan mereka.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Saat nya

Well dua hari kedepan adalah hari-hari terakhir di Petrochina neh..ada rasa sedih juga ternyata ninggalin apa yang pernah saya coba pertahankan selama setahun ini, ada benci, ada kesel, ada stress, ada senyum, ada bahagia, ada (banyak) canda, ada teman baru,ada orang tua baru, ada sahabat baru di Petrochina. semua harus ditinggalkan untuk sebuat tempat baru nan hijau di pinggiran jakarta, yang logo perusahaanya begitu keren (menurut gw!!) yang gak pake tulisan cina!.

Dipenghujung Plant Shutdown yang Sangat amat sibuk dan berisiko, but Alhamdullilah things were successfully managed. PCI have given me a lot of opportunity yang gak mungkin gw bisa dapet di tempat lain.

I have to move on, PCI have to move on, and life goes on. see you guys !,

ps : ni wei ni farewel email kuh

Dear all,

I will be leaving PCI effectively october 3rd 2006, but will not be in the field starting from 19 September 2006. Thus I would like to thank to PCI Management for the opportunity (mostly for Pak Cut A Zainy and Pak Asmudin), to The Best HSE Team ever , BGP Operation Dept, QA/QC-ers Jabung, BGP Maintenance (Mechanical dept , E/I dept), Logistic Dept, Betara Production Dept, HEO and Construction Dept for the time we have spent together ( for bussiness and non bussines related (;-)). I have enjoyed my time here very much. Please kindly forgive me for all the inconveniences I ever caused. So I will say….. See you later guys !.

0815 940 7318

Monday, August 28, 2006

Masih gak ya

Habis liat-liat email email lama, dan nemu email manis dari kekasih tersimpan,
Pertanyaannya Lingga masih ngerasa kayak gitu gak ya ? *jawab ya ling*

Saturday, July 01, 2006

It has been seven years loh..
selamat ya !!

Thursday, April 06, 2006

love this book so much

Monday, April 03, 2006

Emang perempuan seaneh ini ya ?
lucu banget..

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Please dehhh

Pagi-pagi sudah BT lagi..
Half mask BGP pindah gak tau kemana dan gak ada yang tau...
udah gitu ada yang gak kayaknya lagi BT juga sama Gw..
emang gw pikirin..

kalo mau lepas tanggung jawab terserah..
I'll do mine and please do yours

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Mudah-mudahan jadi ...

ada invitation tuk ikut training T BOSIET...
pengen bangedd ikutan..
mudah-mudahan jadi....


Dear Pak Asmudin,

Please let us know their work schedule on April and May 2006.

Thanks & regards,

From: F&Safety Supt. Jabung [mailto:F&] Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2006 2:39 AMTo: Training JabungCc: F. Admin Supt. Jabung; BGP HSE; Fire&Safety Supv.Subject: Re: T-BOSIET Course for Batch 3 and 4

Dear sir,

Please enroll Mz. Ariyani, Mr. Thomas, Mr. Armansyah, Mr. Asnawi, Mr. M. Nasir, and Mr. Mansyur.


----- Original Message -----
Training Jabung
BMT Supt. Jabung ; ; f&
'F. Admin Supt. Jabung'
Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2006 12:47 PM
Subject: T-BOSIET Course for Batch 3 and 4

Dear all,

Please inform us the candidates work schedule for March and April 2006 from your department to enable us arranging the next 3rd and 4th batch of T-BOSIET Course schedule.



Fire & Safety

Your kind cooperation and assistance upon this matter will be highly appreciated.


Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Aneh deh !

  • Kemarin siang gw bahas ayam dan bebek di email ma kuki, and guess what ? makan malem gw pake bebek panggang…?
  • Semalem gw ngimpi dilemparin ma kue gemblong (itu loh makanan dari ketan terus diselimutin gula merah) and guess what ? siang ini di mess hall ada kue gemblong tapi bedanya selimut gulanya pake gula yang warnanya putih ?
    Aneh ya ?


ada orang sok belagu, sok keren dan sok berkuasa..pagi-pagi gangguin gw..
please deh ..norak, brengsek, kampungan..

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Posting gak penting

Just another day as acting HSE superintendent.
  1. purging re injection line B
  2. fire pump weekly test
  3. set up emergency response plan

Friday, March 17, 2006

Tes lagi


Saturday, February 11, 2006

proudly present :

Aleeya Myeshazzafira Azwar

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Post dari Plant

Currently I have something which is considered as top priority by the field manager, but somehow force to write down a blog story about potential hazard here down at BGP overwhelmed
Baru aja gw kepikiran tentang sesuatu hal yang “amit-amit jangan sampai kesampaian” disini, yaitu bagaimana jika karena kelalain kecil (unsafe act ato unsafe condition) membuat plant meledak..huhuhuu takut.. However, that sound (suara buumm itu keep singing in my ear when I was writing this blog)
Yup one of major hazard in a gas plant is plant rupture, not necessarily a catastrophic case but also partial one. There are many causes could lead this to happened, from operation upset into ignoring basic safety precaution such as no smoking policy and hand phone usage.
Strict safety policy already implemented and socialized, good visitor/entry control log had been set in place, anyway I think all appropriate control need to be conducted already had been set up and I was pretty sure that we were OK for this issue until I received a report that one of our crew (Maintenance crew) were found to brought LIVE hand phone inside that plant. @^$(^#(&*^ whatttt ?
Didn’t they aware how serious problem could cause by that ???.
Ya , we have to do something about that. First and foremost is to developed better control system and give strong awareness to all.

Satu lagi, I called Pak Cut this afternoon informing about Pak Richard message regarding safety inspector candidate name Adria Hendri. You know what? Pak Cut told me that he was not good for his standard/ meaning that he could not answer some of technical question being asked. My question is. What were the questions? Could I answer those Q? I am not sure as much as I am sure what kind of technical issue that pak cut want to know  , as you may know, here , he don’t talk / discuss much about safety in process –which I think is more important that just issues on housekeeping, traffic /safe driving training, procurement ?? Isn’t it?

Anyway, may be I am just being mislead from previous gossips, I believe He, who has more than 15 years in HSE experience have very adequate skill to manage safety department, He just have an unique style of doing/managing it ( military-feudalism style hehehe )

Oh God, I need help…some how I am not sure of what I am doing right now. Am I made a right decision, am I say the right things…

I really need help God!

My best pose (again.....)

Foto kiriman dari Eja, waktu kumpul janjian kemarin di plasa semanggi...
Hhihihiihi gaya gw itu lohhh !