Currently I have something which is considered as top priority by the field manager, but somehow force to write down a blog story about potential hazard here down at BGP overwhelmed
Baru aja gw kepikiran tentang sesuatu hal yang “amit-amit jangan sampai kesampaian” disini, yaitu bagaimana jika karena kelalain kecil (unsafe act ato unsafe condition) membuat plant meledak..huhuhuu takut.. However, that sound (suara buumm itu keep singing in my ear when I was writing this blog)
Yup one of major hazard in a gas plant is plant rupture, not necessarily a catastrophic case but also partial one. There are many causes could lead this to happened, from operation upset into ignoring basic safety precaution such as no smoking policy and hand phone usage.
Strict safety policy already implemented and socialized, good visitor/entry control log had been set in place, anyway I think all appropriate control need to be conducted already had been set up and I was pretty sure that we were OK for this issue until I received a report that one of our crew (Maintenance crew) were found to brought LIVE hand phone inside that plant. @^$(^#(&*^ whatttt ?
Didn’t they aware how serious problem could cause by that ???.
Ya , we have to do something about that. First and foremost is to developed better control system and give strong awareness to all.
Satu lagi, I called Pak Cut this afternoon informing about Pak Richard message regarding safety inspector candidate name Adria Hendri. You know what? Pak Cut told me that he was not good for his standard/ meaning that he could not answer some of technical question being asked. My question is. What were the questions? Could I answer those Q? I am not sure as much as I am sure what kind of technical issue that pak cut want to know , as you may know, here , he don’t talk / discuss much about safety in process –which I think is more important that just issues on housekeeping, traffic /safe driving training, procurement ?? Isn’t it?
Anyway, may be I am just being mislead from previous gossips, I believe He, who has more than 15 years in HSE experience have very adequate skill to manage safety department, He just have an unique style of doing/managing it ( military-feudalism style hehehe )
Oh God, I need help…some how I am not sure of what I am doing right now. Am I made a right decision, am I say the right things…
I really need help God!