Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Just want to write : I love you so much !

Hi Ling!
Love always,

Monday, October 30, 2006


Hari pertama kerja pakai -earheld music player-. Dulu pernah denger kalo dengerin musik sambil melakukan aktivitas lain bisa melatih otak untuk bisa mengerjakan dua hal sekaligus. Well mungkin ada benernya, tapi yang jelas mungkin aja loh ada kenaikan probabilitas gw kena Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL). Jadi serem make nya !


Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Another tes

It has been a while since my resignation from PCI and move to- what so called- my dream company.  I received new laptop, met new friends and old friends, doing things which I had done one and a half year a go : sit down behind a desk, going home on daily basis and found out that I still hate it so far !!, well no really hate deh but I found that what a boring life I have now. Compare to what I can do in BGP in my spare time: (preparing training material, ensuring Haz was being treat properly, ensure PPE availability and those thousand things which I thought I cant manage well) and yes I miss it !

Is it just because I recently joint this company so in this adaption phase I dissoriented my self or or or ?
Where am I going now ? To be more specific : IH or HSE ?
Bipi or another co?
Yes I get disorientation of what is my career objective.

Saturday, October 14, 2006


lagi lagi test

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